Polyurethane liners are widely used in processing plants. With many components and materials coming together in mineral processing it is important to ensure that all systems function as intended. Routine assessments of where your losses are and changes when necessary must be done to improve a plants bottom line.
It has been shown that ceramic used as a protective measure provides superior performance for equipment in abrasive operating environments. Industrial plants and processing facilities have come to see these benefits. We have helped many processors and plants with their implementation of our patented CTI-X7 Ceramic liners to their existing systems. Check out this Journal of Physics: Conference Series abstract for data on ceramics superior performance under abrasive processing.
Since most mineral processing plants operate on a 24 x 7 basis, each part needs to function as intended to ensure maximum output and minimal risk. Since mineral processing components need to function continuously, plant managers must ensure that their capital equipment is good.
Usually, capital equipment undergoes considerable stress due to abrasion, corrosion, and other issues. These issues can decrease the efficiency of a mineral processing plant while taking precious time and resources from plant managers.
Why Invest in Quality Materials?
Unfortunately, many plants have outdated or underperforming lining materials supporting vital plant equipment, which can act as a catalyst for the process of abrasion. Over time, materials degrade and grow weak, eventually leading to the tearing or breaking of lining components.
If the lining is not tough enough to withstand the pressures of abrasion, it can cause costly spills, leaks, and other issues. Since many components can only last plants under ten years, many can see negative impacts from additional processing.
Spills and leaks often happen unexpectedly, throwing plant managers off their schedule and costing money and labor. In addition, plant managers must also deal with the environmental side of spills and leaks, ensuring pollution does not occur while preventing any chemicals or slurry from impacting the environment.
Since there are so many aspects of mineral processing that need to occur daily, plant managers should ensure that they have the tools necessary to produce minerals continuously. Ceramic lining, especially CTI-X7Ⓡ process equipment, can allow plant managers to return their investment while providing the continuous production that plants need to turn a profit.
Why Use CTI-X7Ⓡ Process Equipment?
Mineral processing significantly stresses capital equipment, especially in the gold and coal industries. Capital equipment needs to have a solid lining to undergo 24 x 7 production capabilities in any mineral processing environment. When lining fails or tears, it can interrupt the entire production cycle.
For example, if an impact elbow were to fail, the plant crew would have to clean up the spill or the resulting damage. Production would have to be suspended during this time while the team analyzes the problem.
How Our Process Equipment Can Benefit Plants
Next, the team would have to develop a temporary fix. This temporary fix would allow for production without using that particular impact elbow or provide a quick resolution for the problem. Whether the team decides to patch or reroute, this temporary solution would only help the plant for a short time. The plant manager would need to find a permanent solution to the problem, to prevent further issues.
Benefits of CTI-X7 Processing Equipment This scenario is where Ceramic Technology, Inc. and our CTI-X7Ⓡ technology would come into play. While many plant managers consider rubber and Polyurethane liners for their plant’s needs, our team offers durable, strong ceramic lining to all of our clients and customers.
The Importance of Reducing Corrosion and Abrasion
This lining can help plant managers reduce their downtime and increase their production capabilities. With ceramic lining on capital process equipment, plants can focus on production and disperse their crews to oversee other activities rather than spending time on cleanup efforts. Also, ceramic processing equipment can help increase the longevity of plant equipment while mitigating abrasion and corrosion issues.
Abrasion and corrosion impact capital processing equipment the most, as mineral processing involves chemical and physical wearing on products. As a result, many plant components wear down over time or stop functioning due to mineral buildup or other consequences. CTI-X7Ⓡ ceramic lining can prevent these issues, giving plant managers peace of mind and a 20:1 ROI.
How Can CTI-X7Ⓡ Technology Help Plants?
Continuous production is essential at any mineral processing plant, as it allows plants to function 24 hours a day and seven days a week. This kind of production is pivotal for a plant, as it can ensure that costly spills and cleanups do not happen.
These events take up a lot of time and can end up costing a significant amount of money, as well. Ceramic process equipment and lining ensure that these issues do not occur, giving plant managers the peace of mind necessary to carry out their work. Polyurethane liners requires more frequent repair and replacement.
Contact Ceramic Technology, Inc.
Our patented CTI-X7Ⓡ equipment serves to streamline your plant’s mineral processing operation that operates 24/7 days a week. Our comprehensive solutions and attention to detail will support the mineral processing plant to accelerate processes efficiency while remaining operational. We can have our service engineers contact, evaluate, apply solutions to prompt support of your on-site maintenance team.
Our services are widely used in the North American Continent because we have proven effective at driving efficiency and lowering costs. With our CTI-X7Ⓡ Technology, your mineral processing facility can increase production and prevent costly spills and shutdowns.
What are you waiting for? Move from polyurethane liners to ceramic Liners. We are happy to quote our service; call us at (800) 437-1142 or fill out the contact form on our webpage. Feel free to check out our Facebook page as well! We look forward to answering any questions you may have about our CTI-X7Ⓡ Equipment and how we can support your operation.